.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: @f{datasetfilter} .. _@f{datasetfilter}: @f{datasetfilter} ================= .. us.tag @f{datasetfilter} NOTREADYENGLISH fieldfunction New5149 Changed5600 Displayes the record filter for the given dataset. .. function:: @f{datasetfilter()} @f{datasetfilter(ssDatasetname)} .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ssDatasetname Is the dataset name, for example ``Data1``. Instead of the name the index of the dataset in the range 1 to n or a text of the form "Diagram-Name:Index",(diagram1:2) can be specified. The index can be negative. -1 selects the last dataset. If the name is not specified, the function display the record filter of the first dataset in the diagram, the text object belongs to. .. us.example **Example** .. code-block:: none @f{datasetfilter(Data1)} **Output**:: Fuel < 250 .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2014 - Parameter ssDatasetname modified. * - 5.14.9 - New .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-field-functions`, :ref:`editupdate-fields`, :ref:`diagraminsert-field-function` :sub:`id-1055100`